Thursday, December 22, 2011

they cut the tongue who speak the truth..

Lepas tengok n dengar video ni kali ke 2..tiba2 aku terfikir pasal isu semasa kat malaysia sekarang..
isu "murtad" n byak la pihak2 buat kajian mcam mane nak selesaikan isu ni
pihak NGO buat perhumpunan bantahan, memorandun n mcam2 lg laa..
then ade kait mengait dengan politic n etc

but then aku terfikir..xkan la pihak2 jabatan agama dan len2 yang berkaitan tak dapat explore video ni
sbb aku ni xde la pandai dlm technology dpat je cari..
n xkan xde sorang pon antara diorg dapat fikir klu tayangkan vedio ni kat public @ sebarkan besar-besaran dikalangan org Islam dapat menguatkan pegangan dan menolak terus agama len..

Mmg ade ceramah2 agama yg menyentuh pasal kesalahan ajaran kristian dan agama len ni tp ia lebih tertumpu hanya di surau n mayB TV al-hijrah n radio IKIM ade (xpasti sbb aku pon bkan jenis tgok tv n denga radio sgt)
dan masej ni x sampai kat umat islam yg agak "jahil" kat luar tu..(termasuk lah aku waktu jahil dlu)
xde msg mcam ni kat TV @ surat khabar.. 

Dan yang paling pelik..aku penah terbaca dlm surat khabar 2-3 bulan lepas x silap..
seorang Islam berstatus "haji" tukar agama kepada kristian di singapore..
dan banyak lg pasal org2 Islam lain murtad kat malaysia..
KENAPA berita mcam ni lepas masuk surat khabar pulak kan??
klu difikir secara mendalam dan rasional..
ni pon mcam satu propaganda utk lemahkan pegangan umat Islam..

Dan kenapa pihak2 agama Islam ni tak siarkan petikan pasal berapa ramai org kristian masuk Islam
Kenapa x letak paderi, menteri, belia kristian masuk Islam??
kenapa x siarkan benda ni sebagai "COUNTER ATTACK" dan buat org berfikir??
klu ade pon juz 3-4 kerat pasal hindu n budha tukar ke agama Islam..
yang lain?? sume sebok letak mcam mne nak pikir cara penyelesaian yg x selesai2..

So bende ni buat aku fikir..
walau pon pada umum nya Malaysia negara Islam..
dengan masjid n surau yg bersepah2
tp siapa kah yg betul2 berkuasa kat Malaysia ni??
siapa yg kawal surat khabar dan media kita??

aku terpikir pasal satu petikan ni..
"they cut the tongue who speak the truth,
fearing the msg spread to the youth,
if we are talking the truth,
then why did our enemy give us the platform to speak"

Satu lg vedio pasal pemimpin kristian masuk Islam..

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

i come so far, i'm behind again

yeah that words always stuck around me

"i come so far, i'm behind again
i wish so hard, i'm there again"

sumtimes this is juz to0 much for me to take
astarfirulah halazim..
i dunno until when i can stand with all this
things always turn like this agian..again..n again :(

Thursday, December 8, 2011


itz been quite a long time since the last time i feel so0 damn hopeless like this..

Biase pepatah melayu cakap
'sediakan payung sebelum hujan'
tp aku rse situasi aku ni macam
aku sediakan payung utk hujan unsur air
tp yg datang nye hujan api or hujan batu 
so payung yang aku sedikan pon x de gune lg

situasi lain..
macam nak amik exam study bahasa melayu
tp last2 amik exam english
mmg xde kene mengena
nak patah balik pon x boleh

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

no title.. eh wait.."never back down" mayB..

i wish i can be more stronger then this..
much much more stronger
cuz itz not easy to handle this "career n life" stuff
cuz give up or fail is not an option in it

therez sumting that u can give up with
and therez sumting that u cant give up
cuz if u give up in ur 'career n life'
that mean total WASTE

after a year of effort
mayb i need to go back to the start again
i feel so0 "down"
but still i refuse to say that it "useless"

start from that time until now
this words still b my fev..

"and when the time is hard, therez no way to turn
as he promise us, he always be there"

I need to have faith in that
keep on believe in it
never doubt
at all time

my last words

Friday, November 4, 2011

kita tak kan tahu kedaan orang selagi kita tak berada di tempat dia..

ow-k final exam utk student2 aku da nak datang..
so sebagai cikgu aku rse time cam ni la agak stress sket..
banyak bende nak kne buat woo..sbb aku ajar subject masakan
so nak kne wat
-order bahan
- recipe yg sesuai utk tahap student
-training diorg smpi pandai masak
-documentasi exam
-file portfolio sijilkemahiran malaysia
-set tarikh exam
-set peralatan memasak n etc
mmg rse 2minggu ni confem pening pikir laa..

ow-k tu bru mukadimah je..hahaha
isi utama die ialah seperti tajuk di atas
"kita tak kan tahu kedaan orang selagi kita tak berada di tempat dia"

dulu time skola slalu pikir..jd cikgu ni tak susah pon..
ye la..blaja tinggi2 pas tu ajar budak skola kan
so ape yang ssh nye..diorg kan da pandai gile..
tp skang da jadi cikgu baru la tau..
perhh..mengaja ni bukan bende senang..
bkan sume yang kita ajar tu org boleh paham
kadang2 aku yang lagi pening dr student aku
pastu klu ade yg nakal2 n melawan tu.
sakit hati tak yah cite la..
ade la rase nak bg penampa,penyepak n pijak2 je
tp sbb aku cikgu yg baik..aku saba ahaaaa :p

tibe2 kan skang aku rse cm nak g jumpe cikgu aku dlu2 n mintak maaf
sbb dlu aku ni extrime la nakal
slalu xsiap keje skola n tido je..
dlu ingat xpe..bende ni kecik je
tp da jd cikgu bru tau..sure dlu cikgu aku pon sakit dada tahan sabar kot
peranagi murid yang x serupa org ni kan..huhuhu
so betul laa..what goes around come around.. hahaha

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

again..again..n again

i make a same mistake again..
again..again..n again
juz the same thing..

Itz the most dengerous thing to do huh..
cuz when the dream are to height
U will fall so deep..
all thing will fall apart one by one
n u cant control the situation anymore..
n that what hapen to me..

kadang2 mmg senang mulut cakap ikhlas
niat dalam hati dalam-dalam "ikhlas"
siap plan 'klu dapat syukur, klu x dapat redha"
tp bile ape yg disangkakan x menjadi
perbuatan tu da cam x jd ikhlas dah
sume bende dlm perancangan hilang..
mungkin aku blom betul2 ikhlas kot..
tah la..Wallahualam

Sunday, October 16, 2011

when the time is hard..

i think i'v change so0 much..
but the prob that i need to face is still the same..
again n own self conflict mayB..
mayB it  juz me the only one who think that way..
cuz i am me after all huh..

i really hope there will be sumone for me to talk to
but mayB it juz me that to0 scared to share it with other

in the time like this..
theres no turning back
i'm the one who choose this path..
itz hard for me to smile but still i refuse to cry..

i'm strong..i belive i do.
cuz i still servive till now..
so juz need to be patient
keep the hard work..inshaAllah

suddently this word across my mind
"jangan berhenti dari mengharapkan pertolongan dan rahmat Allah"
hope fully i wont n keep on with what i do..

Sunday, July 31, 2011

"alhamdulilah" my theme song for this Ramadhan

  salam..juz wanna share some lyric with all of you that i think itz a good and very meaningful..this song is from maher zain n the title is "Alhamdulilah". 

 For me itz not juz random songs cuz this song is telling the truth about far we been slip from the right way of Islam n did we always remember about our creator?? but if u r juz in track Alhamdulilah :) 

  MayB some will think i juz wanna show off o "tunjuk baik" but for me it juz good stuuf that i wanna share with other moreover now is Ramadhan rite..I'm not a good Muslim n  I admit it, but i'm trying my best to change..InshaAllah.. 

I was so far from you
Yet to me you were always so close
I wandered lost in the dark
I closed my eyes toward the signs
You put in my way
I walked everyday
Further and further away from you
Ooooo Allah, you brought me home
I thank You with every breath I take.

I never thought about
All the things you have given to me
I never thanked you once
I was too proud to see the truth
And prostrate to you
Until I took the first step
And that’s when you opened the doors for me
Now Allah, I realized what I was missing
By being far from you.

Allah, I wanna thank You
I wanna thank you for all the things that you’ve done
You’ve done for me through all my years I’ve been lost
You guided me from all the ways that were wrong
And did you give me hope
I wanna thank You for bringing me home

Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah
Alhamdulillah, Elhamdulillah
All praises to Allah, All praises to Allah.

Friday, June 24, 2011

Red velvet cake experiment..

ow-k..minggu ni activity experiment aku ialah untuk buat red velvet cake..
n aku rse experiment "BERJAYA"

1-Ni rupa plain red velvet cake

2-potong setengah dlu

3-sapukan creamcheese cream (lapisan pertama)

4-sapukan cream lapisan kedua

5-sapu keseluruhan cake ngan creamcheese cream

6-ini lah redvelvet cake yg siap dihias (hiasan mengikut crativity)

ow-k sedikit info pasal red velvet..
ade banyak versi red velvet skang ni..
tp menurut kajian aku..
red velvet ni basicly ialah gabungan cake yg diwarna merah n cream cheese cream warna putih.. 
so xkesah la nak pkai buttter cake, sponge cake o pound cake ke..
asal letak warne merah je boleh la jd red velvet..
jgan pening2 kepale pikir recipe mne yg betul ya..ahaa
dan mesti letak cream yg ade rasa cheese bewarna putih..
klu letak cream kosong o warne len tu da bukan red velvet ow-k..

Friday, June 17, 2011

Itz been a while huh..

hampir 2thn gak aku x bukak n tulis kat blog ni n extualy aku pon lpe yg aku ade blog sebenanye..(maklum laa bz kan) hahaha
juz sje bkak2 blog org then bru teringat aku pon ade blog.. :p

ow-k itz time to refresh n write a lil bit what happend to me in this past 2 years..hmmm

what the best words for me to start ya???

"i'm survive" yeah..that sound right..

i'm survive from the darkness
i'm survive from the emptyness
i'm survive from the loneliness
i'm survive from the problems that i created
i'm survive from hurting my own self
i'm survive and wont run away anymore
i'm survive and i realize..

i realize that love is not everything
i realize that i'm not alone in this world
i realize that runaway is not a solution
i realize that what past is past
i realize i need to face all the problem
i realize that there is so much more for me to achieve

i realize that LIFE is INTERESTING

so0o basicly that what i learn in this past 2 years..

i learn how to life
i learn the way of islam
i learn how to handle my self
i learn how to be more usefull

So basicly the conclusion,
"life is a journey that all of us need to try our best in it, never give up!!"

"and when the time is hard,
 therez no way to turn,
as he promise us, he always be there"
-by maher zain